Monday, June 8, 2009

ICCC Three Brings Climate Reality To Washington DC

A mere twelve weeks had passed since he gaveled the close of the second International Conference on Climate Change in NYC. Yet last Tuesday found Joseph Bast already delivering the opening speech to its follow-up event, again featuring an elite group of scientists, economists and politicians gathered to discuss climate science and policy. But this time he stood in DC’s Washington Court Hotel, just blocks away from the chamber in which Democrats will soon attempt to pass the very legislation compelling this urgent session – the Waxman-Markey Cap-and-Tax bill.

While both public opinion and the planet’s climate have cooled these past three months, the Left’s green fever has taken a desperate turn in the opposite direction.

In April, EPA chief Lisa Jackson made good on her promise to pursue endangerment status and subsequent pollutant regulation of CO2 and five other greenhouse gases, an act likely crafted to coerce accelerated legislative action. It worked -- just weeks ago, such legislation -- the American Clean Energy Security Act (HR 2454) -- cleared its first hurdle by passing Waxman’s own House Energy and Commerce Committee.

Considering the bill’s meritless substance, potential influence on a future global accord, and outrageous price tag (hundreds of billions of dollars annually) the Heartland Institute recognized the need to once again remind the world of the “widespread dissent to the asserted ‘consensus’ on the causes, consequences, and proper responses to climate change” and that “immediate action to reduce emissions is not necessary.” Hence, an abbreviated (single day) ICCC III: Scientific Debate and Economic Analysis was quickly organized -- and Bast was now addressing over 250 attendees who came to hear and spread the vital message... [snip]

"What we see, then, is that the very foundation of the issue of global warming is wrong"

Cap and Trade is Cap and Tax

So then -- We’d borrow $140B a year from the Chinese to give the Chinese $140B a year.

His declaration twelve weeks to the day later that we “must not fail” accurately underscores the urgency of exacting such courage from our policymakers.
“There is no climate crisis. There was no climate crisis. There will be no climate crisis” ... “the correct policy response to the non-problem of climate change is to have the courage to do nothing.”

Reality must prevail. This bill must die...

[Long, but Highly Recommended > ]


then >

"OPPOSE Waxman-Markey Cap-and-Tax bill."

YOUR Senator:
YOUR Congressman:

or: Speed Message them with your personal distribution list...
and as always, pass it on...

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