Monday, May 4, 2009

A scientist forces Al Gore to back down

For years, Al Gore has predicted that man's sins of carbon dioxide will bring calamity and apocalypse. He cited an increase in natural disasters.

Gore quietly dropped the contention that the increase is connected to manmade global warming this week after being called on it by Roger A. Pielke Jr., a professor of environmental studies at the University of Colorado.

"Gore is pulling a dramatic slide from his ever-evolving global warming presentation," reported Andrew Revkin on a blog for the New York Times.

"The data came from the Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (also called CRED) at the Catholic University of Louvain in Brussels."

This was not happenstance. Pielke called Gore on his assertions. The link between manmade activity and natural disasters has not been established.

CRED, the source cited by Gore, even said so...

[But it was Gore who was a guest at Obama's Stare-at-the-Union address...]


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