Monday, May 4, 2009

Patients 'more likely to die' when EU directive on 48-hour week is established, doctors warn

Patients will be at risk if the Government implements plans to stop doctors working more than 48 hours a week, the president of the Royal College of Surgeons warned today.

'Patient safety will be reduced, so it follows that patients are more likely to die,' said John Black, a former general surgeon at Worcestershire Royal Hospital.

The vast majority of doctors think the European Working Time Directive, due to be introduced on August 1, is dangerous, he said. [snip]

'We are also concerned for our workforce and the hours they work and we want to provide doctors with a good work life balance."

[So government now determines what's to be an acceptable work-life balance {which it will 'provide'}. Thank goodness; none of us serfs could set that for ourselves.

Europe the model? ]


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