Friday, May 22, 2009

Obama Blames Bush

While insisting "we need to focus on the future," President Obama devoted much of his speech on terrorist detainees today to denouncing the policies of President Bush's administration.

He faulted everyone in Washington for "pointing fingers at one another," yet pointed his own finger frequently, and critically, at the Bush administration. Obama said America's problems won't be solved "unless we solve them together"-- in a divisive and partisan speech certain to alienate Republicans and conservatives...

[He referred to the Bush administration, all with negative connotation, 28 times in the course of his speech. Good thing it was all forward looking non-fingerpointing.

Seriously, he can (and has, again and again) so blatantly say one thing while doing another because the MSM covers for him by reporting only the points he wants conveyed and never his glaring contradictions.]


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