Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Flu pandemic today, health care rationing tomorrow

“Reconciliation” is Beltway-speak for the imposition of the rationing of medical services and goods on a largely unsuspecting American population by means of simple majorities in both houses of Congress.

The reality of President Obama’s vision for medicine in America is a “single-payer” system, and the reality of “single-payer” is rationing. Because the government is the ultimate provider of medical services, it provides only what it can afford, and when its money runs out, your care ends.

Almost anyone familiar with the push for what is euphemistically called “health care reform” knows that many experts on the left believe that far too many dollars are spent on providing health care to people in the final weeks or months of their earthly lives. If controls can be placed on these expenditures, then more of the government’s resources will be available for younger and much healthier people.

Thus, rationing’s first target is going to be the expensive demands made by the elderly. The new system will simply scoff at the idea of a liver transplant for anyone over the age of 65. Or 60.

Or maybe even 55. Liver transplants are expensive...


image toon - hcare - Health Care largest employer in country

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