“President Obama's old friends from ACORN, the leftist, urban ‘community’ organization with a long history of promoting vote fraud, has been chosen by the Administration as a ‘partner’ with the Census Bureau to determine population counts in cities around the country.”
In an ACORN voter registration drive during the 2008 election, 400,000, or about 30 percent, of the registrations proved to be faulty, and some were fraudulent. The activity triggered investigations in 13 states.
“With this group's track record of coming up with countless fraudulent voter registrations in heavily Democrat areas to sway elections to ultra-liberals, you can be sure they'll be manipulating population numbers as well.”
The census determines how Congressional district lines are drawn and how many House seats each state has. So the results will affect the makeup of Congress and how many electoral votes each state receives in the next presidential election.
“It has become plain that when candidate Obama talked about change, he was talking about using the system to create permanent liberal control of the federal government,”
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