Monday, April 13, 2009

About those Windmills

The Obama administration needs to rethink its idea to build tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of windmills across the United States to provide “green” energy for America.

Obama might want to talk (though not bow) to the Queen of England about how those windmill farms across the pond are working out. So far, not so good.

The British is government is, you guessed it, bailing out the private companies that have invested heavily in non-proven and inefficient wind power technology.

Here is how the UK Times describes the situation: [long, detailed, recommended > snip]

As you can see in that last paragraph, the big money and the big energy businesses in Britain have already seen the writing on the wall and have pulled their money out of what is little more than an environmental Ponzi scheme.

Is anyone in America paying attention to the silliness and the utter futility of tilting at windmills in an effort to solve our future energy needs?

[Recommended > ]


image toon - grn engry - Windmills used to blow away snow

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