Friday, April 3, 2009

The Soros Doctrine in Obama Foreign Policy


"I have made rejection of the Bush doctrine the central project of my life."
-- George Soros, Wall Street Journal; March 3, 2004

The relevant question here would seem to be, Why? What was it, specifically, about the Bush Doctrines that so roiled George Soros?

Krauthammer (who was himself the first to use the term, "Bush doctrine") delineated four distinct and superceding elements to Bush foreign policy:

  • #1 (pre-9/11) - unilateral withdrawal from the ABM treaty, the Kyoto protocol and other international initiatives, which were deemed by President Bush harmful to U.S. interests.
  • #2 - the "with us or against us" speech to Congress nine days after 9/11, re: the assisting or harboring of terrorists plotting against America or its interests.
  • #3 - in the wake of our invasion of Iraq, President Bush gave his justification for preemptive defensive measures if America is threatened.
  • #4 - enunciated in President Bush's second inaugural address, that the fundamental mission of American foreign policy is to aid the spread of democracy throughout the world - again as it's in America's interest.

The bottom line for Bush was what was in America's interest, and we know for certain the Bush Doctrines kept us safe for seven whole years, kept our IslamoFascist foes magnetized in Afghanistan and Iraq and kept other enemies balanced on their toes with the full knowledge that any belligerent move would be met with U.S. force.

Say whatever you will, Charlie Gibson, the cowboy kept us safe. [snip]

Soros, the Anti-Bush

Soros published his own book on the subject in 2003: The Bubble of American Supremacy, in which he contends that the desire to spread American democracy to other regions is based on a false set of documents, namely the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

Soros' belief that there is no such thing as a universal truth, that all things are relative and all moral systems are essentially equivalent leads him to conclude that our founding documents are fundamentally flawed in that they claim to rest upon "self-evident truths."

So, what doctrines does Soros specifically advocate?

  • The United States should increase foreign aid to all who need it. Soros believes that by giving grants, as opposed to loans, to developing countries, we make friends and give people what they need, thereby decreasing the incentives for making war against us.
  • Terrorists have always been with us, Soros insists, and terrorism requires "police action," not wars based upon "imperialist intentions." [I.e., trials after the attack - now think WMD...]
  • Only an international body (such as the U.N.) can solve the problem of terrorism as it is an inherently international problem.
  • The Bush Doctrine of holding host nations responsible for their support and protection of terrorist entities shuts down the necessary diplomatic channels, which would otherwise lead to joint solutions.

The bottom line is that George Soros is an internationalist; he always has been. He has even said that the only thing the U.S. does for him is issue his passport, which is itself an obsolete instrument of the even more obsolete nation-state concept.

Soros Doctrines and President Obama...

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