Friday, April 3, 2009

61% Are Confident Online and Other Sources Can Replace Newspapers

This is the finding that struggling daily newspapers don’t want to hear: 61% of American adults are confident that online and other news sources will make up the difference and report things people want to know about if many newspapers go out of business.

The Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that only 35% still lack confidence in other news sources to make up the difference.

Thirty percent (30%) are now Very Confident that sources other than newspapers will provide the news they want, while only eight percent (8%) are not at all confident of that.

“It’s ironic that traditional media outlets are missing one of the biggest communications stories ever because it is happening to them,"

says Scott Rasmussen, Founder and Publisher of Rasmussen Reports.

"Frustrating as it may be to the old media firms, traditional reporters are now viewed as little more than a Wikipedia reference, a source of potentially interesting information that requires verification.

In terms of income, those who earn more than $60,000 per year tend to be more confident that other news sources will take the place of newspapers than those who earn less than they do. Adults aged 30 to 49 have more confidence in the new sources than those younger and older.


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