Thursday, April 30, 2009

Nets: Specter 'Driven Out' of GOP by 'Right Wing' and 'Fringe of Party'

The evening newscasts on Tuesday night attributed Senator Arlen Specter's motivation for changing parties to how he realized he wouldn't win the Republican primary in Pennsylvania, but they also, just as they did with Senator Jim Jeffords in 2001, eagerly relayed -- without any challenge -- Specter's spin that, in the words of the TV journalists, he

“had been driven out by the right-wing of the Republican Party,” the GOP's “increasingly conservative tilt” and “the fringe of the party.”

[Typical. When Bret Bair relayed that point while interviewing Brit Hume on the subject Hume replied that the GOP is essentially unchanged from the days of Reagan and that it was Specter who'd become increasingly liberal over the years to the point where he simply couldn't be renominated in a Republican primary.]


image toon - 1st fnn reps - Specter switched - now conservative

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