Thursday, April 30, 2009

At 100 Days, ABC Mangled Poll on Bush: 'Nice Guy, But We Don't Like Your Policies'

As the networks wind up to praise President Obama, there are easy comparisons to make with President Bush eight years ago. They were looking for any excuse to deny or destroy Bush’s popularity at that time. Brent Bozell gave an example of poll-denial and poll-mangling:

In his 100-days interview with the President, ABC's Charlie Gibson cut to the chase: our pollsters' finding of your 63 percent approval rating is nice, "yet less than half the people in the poll say that they approve of policies or feel that you understand their needs, which could be interpreted as saying, ‘nice guy but we don't like his politics or his policies.’"

The data, in fact, contradict Gibson’s interpretation.

When they asked if Bush was too liberal, too conservative, or just about right ideologically, 31 percent said too conservative, but a whopping 62 percent said about right. Well, what a shock. Moderates and conservatives like his policies; liberals don’t. When Gibson says 'Americans' don’t like his politics or his policies – guess which camp he’s representing?

You can also consult Brent Baker's Cyber Alert for more details on that time.


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