Thursday, April 2, 2009

House Democrats unveil sweeping plan to reshape energy in America

— Democrats in the House of Representatives on Tuesday announced a sweeping plan to change how the nation produces and uses energy in order to reduce the risk some believe accompany climate change.

No environmental legislation in America has ever attempted such wide-reaching changes.

The bill — an incomplete draft that will evolve in the months ahead — would subsidize wind, solar and other renewable energy technologies, would require efficiency improvement at homes and businesses, and would mandate the development of cars that run on biofuels and electricity.

It also would make using fossil fuels more expensive — and that will be the central issue of debate in Congress , with armies of lobbyists on both sides...

[and YOU. Read it, read others, and make your wishes known to your representitives often because no one else will...]


"OPPOSE House Democrat Energy Bill"

YOUR Congressman:

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and as always, pass it on...

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