.Anti-Iranian demonstrations are scheduled to take place Wednesday in Vienna, Berlin and The Hague to mark the 30th anniversary of the Iranian revolution, amid budding signs of a grassroots protest movement in Europe against Iran and European cooperation with it.
Simone Dinah Hartmann, the spokeswoman for the Stop the Bomb Coalition in Vienna, said her group in Austria is a made up of conservatives, Greens, Jews, Kurdish exiles, representatives of Christian organizations, gays and lesbians... [snip]
She said the group aims to apply steady pressure on the Austrian government and the country's main economic concerns, so they resist doing business with Teheran. The OMV deal has been shelved for the time being.
Austria is Iran's ninth largest business partner in Europe, with Italy, Turkey, Germany and France leading the list, followed by the Netherlands, Greece, Spain and Russia, according to Stop the Bomb figures.
The goal of the organization is to impress upon public opinion in Europe - which has, up until lately, been largely apathetic regarding the Iranian threat, that Teheran's menace is real, she said.
"Europe doesn't see Iran as that big of a threat, it is so far away, that people just shrug and say, 'Why care?'
[Can they be that blind? A: no. They're just counting on the US to come in and clean up any mess made - if made bigger by delay, no skin off their backs. Meanwhile, while we boycot they deal for profit. And these are our 'alies'...]
image toon gwot islm - Iran bomb-candle-stick holder
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