Friday, April 24, 2009

The First Step is Admitting You Have a Problem (Rep. Nita Lowey)

[Meanwhile, from our congressional 'leaders'...]

In the past month, the House Minority Leader called the idea that carbon dioxide - a greenhouse gas and known carcinogen - is dangerous “almost comical,” and members of his party suggested that the planet is actually cooling and “carbon-starved” and invited a global warming denier as a public witness to a Congressional hearing on the topic.

As anyone with experience with recovery knows, the first step in addressing a crisis is to admit that you have a problem. Unfortunately, these displays and others make it increasingly clear that, despite conclusive scientific evidence on the existence of global warming and the human role, some elected officials refuse to take Step 1.

Today - Earth Day - I introduced a resolution that says three very simple things critical to a constructive dialogue on global warming:

  • The Earth is warming;
  • Human activity plays large role in that warming;
  • Congress can mitigate the risks through legislation...
[Right: a 'constructive dialogue' can only begin after one sides' opinions are established as fact. How very convenient. And some say it's not a religion... if not, why is the first rule 'thou shalt not question'?]


image toon bdd grn engry - Live before 2008 vs cave afte

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