Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Americans Ready to Tea Party Like it's 1773. Where's the Media?

The nationwide Tax Day Tea Party movement is building incredible steam with an event on the day most Americans dread – April 15. It’s an H&R Block Party to take back our government from people who couldn’t manage the budget of a Kwik-E-Mart.

More than 64,000 have viewed Lloyd Marcus singing “American Tea Party” proclaiming “freedom ain’t free.” One video from the earlier tea parties has close to a quarter million views as angry taxpayers realize national media and politicians ignore their protests. Journalists are as clueless as ever despite the group holding at least 500 events this April 15th – including one in every single congressional district.

If you rely on the mainstream media, then much of what you’ve just read truly is news. The tea parties have only gotten passing mention on the major broadcast news shows. Papers like The New York Times and Washington Post would rather cover just about anything than a conservative-idea protest. The Times preferred to regale readers with the “significance of the tea ceremony in Japan” instead of telling them the significance of tea protest in the United States.

But a news blackout won’t stop the tea parties. They are just getting started. The April 15 event is only round two of 10 planned rounds. Round three, fittingly, is on July 4. On tax day, we get to remind Washington that we pay the bills for all of their pork-barrel spending. On Independence Day, we get to remind them that we can vote them out just as easily as they were voted in.

[Conversely, if they fizzle the message will be clearly heard {and reported by the MSM}: 'see, they don't really care - carry on...'

And you?]


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