Thursday, March 12, 2009

The writing is on the synagogue wall

The periodic crises that have shaken world capitalism in the century and a half since Marx wrote Das Kapital are marked by a common political phenomenon. It is the rise of political anti-Semitism. Attacks on Jews and Jewishness constitute the canary in the coal mine that tells us something is going seriously wrong.

... London School of Economics - “Kill the Jews” or “Jihad 4 Israel” .... In Milan, streets are daubed with slogans urging Italians not to buy goods at Jewish shops ... In Berlin, placards stating “It was a good idea to use gas” ... [snip]

The economic crises of the 1970s led to a marked increase in the vote for the National Front in Britain and the openly anti-Semitic BNP, its successor extreme party, is doing very well in local elections - below the radar of the national press... [snip]

Terrible massacres of Muslims have taken place in different parts of the world so far this century, from Kashmir to Gujarat. In Iraq and Afghanistan, Nato soldiers are accused of brutality but the men with the most blood on their hands of fellow Muslims have been Islamist ideologues.

Yet there is no outrage against the perpetrators of those attacks compared with the onslaught on Israel and on Jews. Jews are again made to feel they are not full citizens of the countries of their birth because they refuse to support the right of Hamas and Hezbollah to use terror attacks against Israeli civilians.

The canary in the coal mine seems in danger of its life once again.


image toon - bdd gwot israel - Peace pact = agree to leave Gaza and be bombed again

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