Thursday, March 12, 2009

NJ comptroller: Stimulus funds 'ripe' for misuse

New Jersey officials must carefully monitor the economic stimulus cash flow to guard against theft or mismanagement, the state comptroller warned Monday. Comptroller Matt Boxer said federal dollars will flow into the Garden State from nearly 100 different sources, making the situation "ripe" for misuse.....

Second stimulus idea
Republican leaders today slammed the idea of a second economic stimulus package, just one day after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she was open to such a bill.

“I think the fact that they are already talking about stimulus two indicates they already think stimulus one has failed,”

House GOP Conference Chairman Mike Pence (R-Ind.) told reporters.

“We don’t even know what was in the first stimulus yet.”


Cabinet short on managerial experience
For a president set on changing the way Washington works, Barack Obama has depended upon current or former members of Congress for initial cabinet appointments more than any elected president since at least the 1950s.

During a time of economic crisis, Obama has no former company chief executive officer or cabinet member or nominee with significant private business experience...


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