Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Why The CIA Has To Spy On Britain

On the night of the Mumbai attacks I spoke to an old security source of mine, who has friends in SIS, MI5 and defence intelligence. There was only one thought on the minds of our security chiefs that night: ‘Are they British?’ (snip)

It was a fair assumption since, where international terrorism is concerned, Britain is no longer part of the solution; we are part of the problem...


British Muslims 'providing Taliban with electronic devices for roadside bombs'

Helmand - British Muslims are providing the Taliban with electronic devices to make roadside bombs for use in attacks against British forces serving in southern Afghanistan...


[Much is (rightly) made of our need to prevent the establishment of 'safe havens' for terrorists - yet what of those being established 'at home'?

And on this side of the pond? ... > ]


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