Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Getting a read on the Qur'an

I will not rehearse here, since space forbids, the arguments on how ludicrous is the display of Gordon Brown's Labour government in banning Geert Wilders from entering Britain.

What needs noting, however, is the irony that Brown, Wilders, the liberal elite in the West with their insistence on limiting free speech, and the Muslim thugs -- from the potentates who rule in the Arab-Muslim world to those who riot in the streets -- are all in agreement that Muslims generally are programmed by Islam and its sacred text, the Qur'an, to engage in violence.

The difference between Wilders and Muslim fanatics is in how they assess the rightness or wrongness of violence to be found in the Qur'an. Wilders sees the Qur'an as a Muslim version of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf, and Muslim fanatics see the Qur'an as heavenly license to trample over those in disagreement with their views of the world...


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