Monday, March 16, 2009

No choice

If consistency is really the hobgoblin of little minds, then Hilda Solis and George Miller must be America's top ghostbusters. They think the secret ballot is the cornerstone of democracy -- except for American workers deciding whether to join a labor union. [snip]

Oddly enough, Miller and Solis used to think secret ballots were the very lifeblood of democracy. In 2001, introducing himself as someone "deeply concerned with international labor standards," Miller wrote Mexican officials urging them to allow workers to vote on unionization with secret ballots.

"The secret ballot is absolutely necessary in order to ensure that workers are not intimidated into voting for a union they might not otherwise choose," Miller said, adding that the practice "will help bring real democracy to the Mexican workplace."

The American work place, apparently, is quite another matter...

[Criminal hypocrisy - which, if they're successful, you will pay for.]


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