Monday, March 16, 2009

California's Wet Dream

I live in a state managed by a pack of damned lunatics. Not only have the spendaholics who comprise the California legislature submerged us with an unsustainable budget deficit and then swamped us with the largest combined tax increase in the Golden state's history to attempt to pay for it -- now they have spent money on gawd-awful 'research' which proclaims the state is about to go under water -- literally.

According to yesterday's San Francisco Chronicle:

"Driven by global warming, the ocean is expected to rise nearly 5 feet along California's coastline by the end of the century, hitting San Francisco Bay the hardest of all, according to a state study released Wednesday."

"Rising seas, storms and extreme high tides are expected to send saltwater into low-lying areas, flooding freeways, the Oakland and San Francisco airports, hospitals, power plants, schools and sewage plants. Thousands of structures at risk are the homes of low- and middle-income people, the study said."

This so-called "study" was concocted by the Pacific Institute (, a nonprofit propaganda outfit in Oakland. The hogwash was paid for by the California Energy Commission, Caltrans and the state Ocean Protection Council. The Pacific Institute's mission statement says,

"We envision a world where the basic needs of all people are met, where resources are managed sustainably and the natural world protected, and where conflicts over resources are resolved in a peaceful and democratic fashion."

Wonderful. My beloved California is purchasing purposefully misleading goo-goo eco-doctrine from a leftist group. It gets even worse. On the Pacific Institute's Board of Directors is Anne Ehrlich, wife of Paul Population Bomb Ehrlich...

[Yet there it is in the The SF Comical without a word of background on its source.]


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