Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Inner cities a snapshot of America's future

by Star Parker

Blacks are not given enough credit for being trendsetters in America.

Black women got into having babies without marriage. Then white women started getting into it and the incidence of white out-of-wedlock births today -- almost 30 percent -- is higher than the black rate in the 1960's.

Blacks for years elected politicians championing public policy that destroyed their own communities. Now the rest of America has installed a new political leadership with the perfect formula -- run roughshod over private ownership, disdain traditional values, substitute political power for personal responsibility.

Why, then, when poor immigrant families readily move in one generation into the middle class, does one fourth of black America remain poor, generation after generation?

It's what happens when lives get politicized and people are instructed to be helpless... [snip]

Blacks bought into dependency and the welfare state. Now the rest of America has bought in. We can expect the rest of America to reap the same benefits that blacks have enjoyed from this lunacy...


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