Tuesday, March 10, 2009

'Bold', 'breathtaking' & biased

As Gov. Bobby Jindal began to offer a Republican response, it became apparent that he would be no match with Barack Obama in the soaring-oratory department. The Republicans really should have tried a gimmick instead.

Perhaps Jindal could have simply walked on and said,

"Today, the president held what he called a fiscal responsibility summit."

He could afford a wide smile at that point, knowing his audience had erupted in laughter.

Last year, Republicans warned that Barack Obama was ultraliberal but the media handlers typically presented this as a conservative smear. Instead, they painted Obama as an aspiring moderate-Republican deficit reducer.

Honestly, now: Are we quite ready finally to declare the Era of Obama As Fiscally Conservative is over?

Now that Obama's emphatic ultraliberalism is the elephant in the room, and liberals are cheering the reversal of everything Ronald Reagan tried to accomplish economically, the media still don't want to call it liberal.

Instead, it's a pollster's list of positive adjectives: bold, ambitious, audacious and even breathtaking...

It should be laughable for the White House to promote a "fiscal responsibility summit" days after it shoved through a $787-billion "stimulus" bill through Congress. But the gooey flood of positive adjectives from the press demonstrates that its members are not government watchdogs. They're "breathtakingly bold" Obama enablers. The honesty deficit in our press just grows and grows.


mage toon - 1st fnn mny - Ex-government worker in charge of fiscal responsibility

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