Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Oregon looks at taxing mileage instead of gasoline
Portland, Ore. -- Oregon is among a growing number of states exploring ways to tax drivers based on the number of miles theLinky drive instead of how much gas they use, even going so far as to install GPS monitoring devices in 300 vehicles.

The idea first emerged nearly 10 years ago as Oregon lawmakers worried that fuel-efficient cars such as gas-electric hybrids could pose a threat to road upkeep, which is paid for largely with gasoline taxes.

[get this? we must all do the right thing and buy hybrids to save the planet ... despite their increased cost ... but it can't cost the government any of its dough...]


Commission Urges 50 Percent Hike in Federal Gas Tax
[same-day story to above]
Washington - Motorists are driving less and buying less gasoline, which means fuel taxes aren't raising enough money to keep pace with the cost of road, bridge and transit programs. A federal commission created by Congress to find a way to make up the growing revenue shortfall in the program that funds highway repairs and construction is talking about increasing federal gas and diesel taxes.


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