Friday, February 6, 2009

Hollywood to Produce Yet Another Leftwing Box Office Bomb

The most recent such box office failure of a leftwing film is "Che" which so far has grossed a grand total of only a million bucks. Perhaps the producers knew in advance that this flick would be a bomb which is why it is already available on Pay-Per-View. Remember Oliver Stone's "W?" If you have forgotten it even existed, that is because it died a quick death at the box office immediately upon release last October.

Both of these movies suffered exactly the same fate as all the other leftwing movies produced in the past few years by Hollywood. "Redacted?" DEAD. "Rendition?" DEAD."Syriana?" DEAD. "Stop Loss?" DEAD. And on and on and on it goes. So do you think Hollywood has finally learned its lesson? According to Variety, the answer is no:

Warner Bros. has set Aaron Sorkin to write "The Challenge," a courtroom drama about the effort by Swift and Georgetown U. law professor Neal Katyal to ensure a fair trial for Osama bin Laden's driver, Salim Hamdan, who'd been held at Guantanamo Bay for five years.

It sounds like the perfect formula for box office failure. And yet Hollywood will probably not learn the lesson even after "The Challenge" flops bigtime as it inevitably will.


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