Friday, February 6, 2009

When it comes to taxes, more Americans than ever say, 'Pay up'
Daschle's, Geithner's, and Killefer's tax missteps come at time when 89 percent of Americans say it's unacceptable to fudge. The tax woes of three of President Obama’s top-level appointees come at a touchy time.Amid deep economic troubles and taxpayer-funded bailouts and stimulus packages, many Americans are supersensitive to double standards between political and business elites and “the rest of us.”

I Repeat: Time To Go, Mr. Geithner
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner stood alongside President Obama in a White House press briefing yesterday.(Snip)Only a day earlier, Pres. Obama said there should be no double standard when it comes to paying taxes. However, Mr. Geithner is guilty of a double standard. (Snip) Americans do not want tax cheats and tax dodgers in critical leadership positions.(Snip)Timothy Geithner should resign.


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