Monday, February 9, 2009

The Government Is Indoctrinating Our Children

Last night I told you we're on the road to socialism. When I finish this story you may believe we're on the road to the Hitler Youth. Here's the latest example, and buckle up because it could get even bumpier than yesterday.

One of my radio listeners gave me this exclusive story. This is Al Gore speaking to a bunch of teens and pre-teens at a youth conference on global warming :


AL GORE, FORMER VICE PRESIDENT OF UNITED STATES: There are some things about our world that you know that older people don't know...


I'm going to play more of this tape for you in a moment, and introduce you to the 12-year-old who recorded it and her dad. But what's the point?

The government and its friends are indoctrinating our children all for control of their minds, your freedom of choice and our future. It must stop, because history (when taught accurately) has already shown us where it leads. This is what the Nazi Joseph Goebbels said about the Hitler Youth:

"If such an art of active mass influence through propaganda is joined with the long-term systematic education of a nation and if both are conducted in a unified and precise way, the relationship between the leadership and the nation will always remain close."

What's next? If mom and dad decide to keep the temperature above 72, should our "Gore Youth" report mom and dad? Should they also report spankings and groundings and every time daddy comes home and watches FOX News?

Environmentalists — along with everyone else looking to promote an agenda — understand that the drug dealer business model can work for them: Get kids hooked when they're young and you'll have a customer for life...

[Our public school system has become an indoctrination mechanism - we need universal school choice vouchers]


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