Monday, February 9, 2009

Few Fear Global Warming Will End World

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 66% say it’s not likely that civilization will be destroyed by the year 2100. That includes 27% who say it is not at all likely.

Republicans and unaffiliated voters strongly reject the notion that global warming will end human civilization, but even Democrats don't subscribe to the idea with 38% thinking that a disastrous outcome is likely while 46% disagree.

Sixty-two percent (62%) of Democrats say we must take immediate action*, but 64% of GOP voters say it’s all right to wait a few years to see if the problem is real.

A plurality of unaffiliated voters give the edge to waiting.

[* Liberal logic: only 38% of Dems believe Armageddon likely - but 62% say we must take immediate action.]

Forty-five percent (45%) of voters acknowledge** there is conflict between economic growth and environmental protection.

Former Vice President Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize for his anti-global warming efforts, but just 36% of voters believe he knows what he’s talking about.

[** a little Rasmussen bias there with that 'acknowledge' {you know; the inverse of denial}]


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