Friday, February 27, 2009

Gitmo in Conformity with Geneva Convention

The Guantanamo Bay prison where terror suspects are held was examined by a special task force ordered by President Barack Obama. In its 81-page report, released Monday, the task force concluded:

“After considerable deliberation and a comprehensive review, it is our judgment that the conditions of confinement in Guantanamo are in conformity with Common Article 3 of the Geneva Convention.”
[Again, control of language as spin: the conventions explicitly do not apply to those who have acted as the terrorists have - yet again and again it's portrayed as if they somehow do - and is this what we're to believe 'humane' treatment of terrorists is to mean?...>]

The report also noted that the prison, popularly referred to as Gitmo, keeps its thermostat set between 75 and 80 degrees, provides art classes to the prisoners, and holds a library of 13,000 books, 900 magazines, 300 DVDs and regular TV programs. Also, there is a “detainee newsletter.”

Every prisoner has a copy of the Koran in the language of their choice. Each prisoner is given prayer beads, cap, rug and current prayer schedule. “Guards and staff have received specialized cultural and religious sensitivity training,” and the report adds, “guards have been disciplined for interfering with prayer time.”

The recreation includes a “large recreation yard with facilities/equipment to support soccer, basketball, volleyball, jogging, table tennis, foosball (sic), treadmill and elliptical machines – for up to 20 hours daily.”

The prisoners are provided three hot meals per day with between 4,500 and 5,000 calories daily. They have “six menus for detainees to choose from,” with a typical meal consisting of “meat, starch (plus bread), vegetable, dessert, fruit, fruit juice or similar drink.”

[more, disgusting.]


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