Wednesday, January 21, 2009

James Hanson's Factory of Death

James Hansen, a politically connected scientist who uses his NASA sinecure as a pulpit from which to preach the global warming creed, has written an open letter to the new president calling for a moratorium and phase-out of coal-fired power stations, which he calls "factories of death."

I have found varying estimates of the percentage of this country's electrical power that is produced by coal-fired plants, but they vary within a range of 40 to 60 percent. This means that Hansen is proposing to cut off, within a few years, about half of the nation's power supply, offering only vague hopes about "renewable energy" or as-yet-undeveloped "fourth-generation nuclear power" to fill the gap.

All of this is to be accomplished by a massive new "carbon tax" on all forms of fossil fuels, with a "100% dividend"—i.e., the proceeds from the tax will be given back to the American people in the form of direct monthly subsidy. This is a kind of welfare payment intended to bribe the American people into thinking that they are benefiting from a scheme that is actually designed to collapse the economy.

It is Hansen's scheme that is the real factory of death—a mechanism for permanent global economic collapse, with all of its horrific consequences.

For those who want to see it for themselves, Hansen's original letter is available here, though in a poorly formatted version.

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