Friday, January 16, 2009

CNN’s Lou Dobbs: Belief in Global Warming 'Almost a Religion'

[credit where due: this is CNN?]

On his program on Monday evening, CNN anchor Lou Dobbs criticized the proponents of the theory of manmade global warming in response to a report by correspondent Ines Ferre about the latest climate data:

“They bring this thing to a personal belief system. It’s almost a religion, without any question...” He went on to criticize the “crowding out of facts and objective assessment of those facts...there’s such selective choices of data as one discusses and tries to understand the reality of the issues that make up global warming.”

Dobbs set the tone early as he introduced Ferre’s report, which began 41 minutes into the 7 pm Eastern hour of the CNN program:

“ Well, tonight, relax, we have another report for you, and all of who you believe in global warming will be challenged, and the facts, if you’re not interested in the facts, you shouldn't pay attention..."


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