Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Who Really Runs Washington And Why Americans Lose on Every Issue

We all know that money is power in politics. But most Americans are of the opinion that it is big corporate money that is currently controlling Washington DC and they believe this because this is what they have been told by Democrats, the labor unions who fund them and the press who does their public propaganda bidding.

From 1998 thru 2008, the top twenty political donor organizations gave over $558,963,408. $326,504,578 of that money came from twelve of the top twenty donors, all of which are labor unions, and of course 95.7% of those funds were given to Democrat politicians. Of the top twenty totals, 77% was given to Democrats, with only 21.8% being given to Republicans.

The 12th largest political donor in America is an organization called Communications Workers of America. Communications Workers of America represents 740,000 workers in telecommunications, broadcasting, journalism and other fields. The union’s members work for many of the nation’s top newspapers and broadcast stations. (Reported by the Center for Responsive Politics)

In other words, the American press is represented by the Communications Workers of America Union, which has invested $25,785,989 in American politics over the last ten years, 99% of it given to Democrats... [snip]

In short, America’s Silence is its Consent

It is never the biggest, strongest, smartest man in the battle who wins the fright. It is the man most committed to winning who wins, every time.

At present, 30% of Americans are winning by outspending the other 70% five to one...

[surprising stats galore - Highly Recommended > ]


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