Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The EU-constitution & Lisbon Treaty

[meanwhile, at the other one-world-government...]

Under EU laws, if one of its member states rejects a treaty, the EU is mandated to scrap the bill. But the European Union's contempt for direct democracy is likely to lead them to ignore the Irish referendum and pursue the implementation of the Lisbon Treaty anyway - underscoring the fact that the EU is nothing more than an illegitimate autocracy of manufactured consent.

75% of people in the EU want a referendum on any new treaty which gives more powers to the EU. In the UK, 83% would want a vote to be held. A majority in all 27 countries would want a referendum.

"If a new treaty is drawn up which gives more powers to the EU do you think that people should be given a say on this in a referendum or citizen consultation or do you think that it should just be up to the national parliament to ratify this treaty? "

Across the EU as a whole, 28% think the EU should have more powers than it has now and that more decisions should be taken at the European level. 23% think the EU should keep the powers it has now, but should not be given any more. 41% think the EU should have less powers than it has now and that more decisions should be taken at a national or local level. In the UK the equivalent figures were 11%, 27%, and 58% - a clear majority for taking powers back. [snip]

"If the Eurocrats continue to ignore the will of the people
as expressed in the NO-votes in three referenda in a row,
the EU looses all legitimacy and eurocrats therby underscore
that the EU is nothing more than an illegitimate
autocracy of manufactured consent."

[How 'manufactured'? Simple-summary: The people don't want an EU constitution, so, call it a 'treaty' instead which moves its acceptance into the realm of bureaucrats, then load up said treaty with employment-for-life provisions for those same bureaucrats and voila: 'governments' vote for it in direct opposition to the will of their constituents.

Actually not much different from our so-called 'representatives', except in scope: passage of this 'treaty' will permanently strip Europeans of self determined government.

Object lesson: You'd think there would be rioting in the streets - but their dependence on their governments for their social programs have stripped them of all independence, and so the loss of liberty marches forward...]

Good luck cousins, and pay attention Americans - this is how government tyrannies start: 'for our own good' ]


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here is a constitution - which limits the power of politics:

Vote YES or NO!