Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Worshipping the Weather

Everyone is religious. People will have their religion. The particular religion does not, necessarily, have to include worship of a god -- but it must include a dogma and rituals.

For many on the left, environmentalism has become a religion, no real surprise there. But the reason for the need of some religion, any religion, to fill the spiritual void on the left is rarely discussed. This article will examine some of the implications, and complications, of the new green creed -- which is, in fact, an ancient creed. It was once called "paganism."

Religion gives lives significance.

Likewise environmentalism. Traditionally religion posits an all-powerful God that saves a sinful humanity from itself through the intervention of a human clergy. In environmentalism, an all-wise clergy, composed of government bureaucrats and "scientists," saves the planet from a sinful humanity.

We are righteous when we act in conformity with the establishment's dogma -- and we are evil if we question it...

[Finally. Excuse my snobbery but as an atheist I've long come to the conclusion that history shows us that humans desire something larger than themselves to believe in and give their lives meaning - and with the assault on traditional religions diminishing their ranks other ideas eventually occupy the void.

The repeated failures of Communism and Socialism, which used to enjoy primacy among the faithless, forced a search for something more defensible and ta-da: environmentalism {aka: environmoralism, but I digress}.

Don't agree? Offended? Fine, then do the thing religions won't: encourage perpetual debate on the topic - as anything scientifically based is supposed to entail by definition - and let a logical review of all the facts lead us where the may.

And READ THIS > Highly Recommended > ]


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