Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Is California too unwieldy to govern?


California government is arguably more dysfunctional now than it was when Davis, a Democrat, got the boot. The budget deficit has grown so huge that a shutdown of government services looms. Partisan gridlock grips the Legislature, and lawmakers bicker as the state plunges into crisis. The state's latest collision course with insolvency has renewed the question in the Capitol: Has California become ungovernable?

Some say this nation-state is so oversized, Balkanized and polarized that it is destined for dysfunction no matter who is in charge. They cite its influx of immigrants, its constant tensions over water supply and its large, self-contained regions that bear little resemblance to one another.

It has been suggested that the state should break into multiple, more manageable pieces. More than two dozen attempts at that have been tried over the years, the latest by a Northern California lawmaker in the early 1990s.

"There is no center," Perata said. "I'm not talking about political center. There is no action center, or moral center, or anything else left in Sacramento"

[personally I've long been for it, NorCal/SoCal at a minimum, probably 3 pieces would be even better: the more local government, the better it serves]


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