Tuesday, December 9, 2008

(God) Bless America

Normally, I'm for keeping church and state out of each other's business as much as humanly possible, mostly to protect religion from government intrusion and idolatry, but also to protect us from zealots who think Jesus wears an American flag lapel pin.

But lately, I'm beginning to think that Christians [and some of us atheists] who are complaining about the "War on God in America" have a point.

"There's a terrible movement to rewrite our history and obscure our faith,"
J. Randy Forbes, a Republican congressman from Virginia, told the National Review this week.

Take the new $621 million capitol Visitor Center, which opened this week to mixed reviews. Among the critics were Sen. Jim DeMint, a South Carolina Republican who several weeks ago noticed that something was missing from a center's replica of the House Speaker's rostrum. The words "In God We Trust" -- engraved over the actual rostrum in 1962 -- were not included in the replica.

The center identified "E. Pluribus Unum" (rather than "In God We Trust") as the official national motto.
Displays deleted these words from Article 3 of the Northwest Ordinance; "Religion, morality, and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind..."; and the words "in the Year of Our Lord" from Article 7 of the Constitution. [snip]

"This is an intentional misrepresentation of our nation's real history and an offensive refusal to honor America's God-given blessings,"
DeMint told James Rosen of McClatchy Newspapers. DeMint and others say this is only the latest in a series of attempts to erase God from public life in Washington.


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