Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Big labor unions have destroyed countless American industries, including the Detroit automakers who are now begging Congress for a bailout. But these unions don't just control factories and assembly lines. Our public education system is a slow-motion car crash, driven the same union special interests that brought the auto companies to the brink of bankruptcy.

Compared to other developed countries, the United States has the worst educational quality per dollar spent on schools, ranking 18th in reading and 28th in math. Millions of American children are being shortchanged by dysfunctional schools, but efforts for education reform are invariably stopped by powerful union interests.

This insightful new video shows how teachers unions protect bad and incompetent teachers, block school reform efforts, and use their members' dues money to support a radical left-wing agenda.

These unions fight tooth and nail against any meaningful change to their comfortable status quo - while students and taxpayers pay the price.

After decades of denial, there is a growing realization around the country that teachers unions' defense of the status quo cannot continue. A new generation of reformers, including Michelle Rhee, the chief of public schools in Washington DC, are fighting those unions and pushing for renewed accountability and an end to the broken tenure system. is a project of the non-profit Center for Union Facts. With your support, we can fix our public schools and expel these special interest groups. Your tax-deductible donation will help us show Americans the truth about today's teachers unions.

Please make a contribution today, and forward this message to your friends, family, and anyone interested in helping take back our schools.


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