Thursday, November 20, 2008

On CNN Reliable Sources, Sarah 'Was a Real Drag on the Ticket'

The election is over, but quite clearly the Palin Derangement Syndrome suffered by many in the mainstream media isn't. This morning's CNN Reliable Sources was typical. Joining host Howard Kurtz to discuss Sarah Palin were Beth Fouhy, an Associated Press political reporter, Baltimore Sun TV critic David Zurawik, and Julie Mason, the Washington Examiner's White House correspondent. Mason opined: "I don't think she helped herself at all this past week. I think she actually probably made it worse." [? - snip]

There are polls and then there are polls. Fouhy could have mentioned the exit poll cited by the Pew Research Center: "Yet those who cited Palin's selection as a factor in their vote -- 60% of all voters -- favored McCain by 56% to 43%." Or she could have noted the Rasmussen poll taken after the election that found: "Sixty-nine percent (69%) of Republican voters say Alaska Governor Sarah Palin helped John McCain’s bid for the presidency. . ." ... Even the Washington Post's Chris Cillizza wrote today of how Sarah Palin helped the GOP ticket.. [snip]

On CNN, Reliable Sources aren't so reliable. Democratic partisans masquerading as objective reporters aren't satisfied merely to have helped put Obama in the White House. They now need to damage Sarah Palin's political future.

[it's the old ploy: the media-left giving the right 'advice' - it's how McCain got the nomination in the first place, and many republicans in Washington look to be duped by them again re: the party's need to 'moderate'. Me, I'm sticking with Sarah - she's exactly what this country needs - an un-corrupt politician - from there real change can be made.]


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