Thursday, November 20, 2008


The United Nations says the 40 signatories to the Kyoto treaty have, on average, cut their CO2 emissions to 5 percent below their levels of 1990 -- just meeting the goals for 2008 to 2012. So on the surface, it could look like growing economies are cutting their immissions - but that would be deceiving. As the publication the New Scientist noted, "Much of the 17 percent drop is a consequence of the economic downturn of eastern and central European nations in the 1990s."

"Downturn" is too polite a term. [snip] This economic implosion led to a 37 percent drop in greenhouse gas emissions among the so-called "economies in transition", while their economies contracted 43 percent. In other words, it took a regional depression for Kyoto to meet its goals.

What has really happened is that major industrial economies aren't reducing their so-called greenhouse gas emissions at all.

Indeed, the industrial economies excluding the former communist ones have actually increased greenhouse gas output by 9.9 percent since 1990. Supposed "progress" in meeting the Kyoto limits is an [intentional] illusion.

The Eastern European economies had to basically collapse in order to help the world meet its Kyoto goals. That's what it would take in the United States, too.

[the real goal of Kyoto]


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