Wednesday, October 15, 2008

NBC Showcases Obama's Touching Moment

On Tuesday's "Today" show Andrea Mitchell highlighted John McCain's struggles, as he was forced to campaign in "red states Republicans don't usually have to defend," but when it came to Barack Obama, she promoted Obama's soft side as she aired a clip of the Democratic nominee hugging a tearful college student as she cooed:

"During two days of campaigning in Ohio, the nation's economic crisis got personal when Obama met a 19-year-old nursing student named Hannah, already deep in debt with student loans."

Mitchell then followed that tease with the following back and forth between Obama and the student:

HANNAH: I'm paying for school myself, so-

BARACK OBAMA: How much, how much you in debt?

HANNAH: Right now about $24,000 and I'm only 19.

OBAMA: Alright well we're gonna try to see if we can provide you some relief, alright?

HANNAH: Yeah I need it because the grants aren't enough.

OBAMA HUGGING STUDENT: I know, I know! I appreciate it, c'mon. Nice to meet you.

HANNAH: Thank you.


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