Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Heard on the Radio...

Glenn Beck mentioned some statistics this morning which are worth being aware of. I haven't substantiated (and I'm not listening to hours of his show's audio), but he's proven accurate re: facts in figures in the past (the quality of 'analysis', "not so much").

Still, today's factoids:

Since 1985, the cost of...

... gas has gone up 108% -
... health care has gone up 251%
... college tuition has gone up 439%

Excuse me? Gas is due to the government preventing us from developing our own supply. Health care is due to government preventing the introduction of consumer pricing pressure and coverage mandates. But what's up with tuitions going up by a factor of 4?

A: Government (surprise) guaranteeing student loans - and constantly adding more money to the system to, get this, 'make college more affordable' to more Americans.

Problem is, our indoctrina-oops; eduction establishments have raised their tuitions in lock step with such funding increases, year in, year out. Result? Not more students - just more money to pillars of integrity like Harvard, already worth nearly 40 billion (yes that was a 'b') dollars.

We need move to an Internet based general university system. It's accessibility (home, 24/7), cost (comparatively zero), and ideological neutrality (vs. our current liberalism factories) is what would be in the best interest of the most Americans, who we're continually told will periodically neet to 'retool' over the course of their careers.

I wonder if anyone in Washington will ever take their welfare into account? Doubtful: there's not much profit in that.

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