Thursday, October 23, 2008

Dangerously unfit to be president

I have followed American politics closely since I was a child in the 1940s. No election of my lifetime has left me as apprehensive as the current one. There are compelling reasons why Barack Obama is dangerously unfit to be president of the United States. [snip]

Obama appears blind to the dangers posed by rogue states and international terrorism. Most criticism of him has concentrated on his inexperience, which can be overcome with time. Unfortunately, his naivete, vacillation and aversion to logical analysis cannot.[snip]

Obama promises billions of dollars worth of new "entitlements," accompanied by a stifling regulatory bureaucracy. His claim that he wants to help the middle class is in fact a plan to tax it out of existence and transform all but a small political elite into wards of a state on the east European model. There has been no case in history of state socialism stimulating growth anywhere in the economically developed world.

After six years of strong growth, the economy is now in a cyclical downturn, which has allowed Obama to get away with telling the most materially prosperous people in the history of humankind that they are living in misery. An Obama presidency would mean fewer jobs and less disposable income for most jobholders and retirees. [snip]

"We are the ones we have been waiting for!" Waving one's hands aloft and screaming "Yes we can!" is Obama's calculatedly emotional response to complex issues that require careful, thoughtful analysis. The record of history is a mournful litany of the horrors wrought by cynical demagogues whose sole message was themselves.

[serious business, serious article {short} - Highly Recommended > ]


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