Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Victim Nation

This election all depends whether the “victims” finally outnumber the non-victims.

There’s an old saying in politics. If you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on Paul’s vote. Barack Obama doesn’t know much, but he’s figured that out. The question is: Are there still more Peters than Pauls (all of whom feel entitled, because they are, of course, victims)?

In Victim Nation, nobody ever got a break, even if they’ve gotten nothing but free rides their entire lives. No graduate of Harvard Law School can credibly claim to have been oppressed by a “mean” nation. So in their speeches, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama and Deval Patrick all just ignored the inconvenient truth about where they picked up their second Ivy League degrees.

It’s amazing. These biographical rewrites are like a Witness Protection Program for Harvard Law grads who want to change their identities in order to pass themselves off as victims in good standing. [snip]

Remember Stutterin’ Joe Biden’s acceptance speech, in which, to no one’s surprise, he invented a whole series of imaginary kitchen-table conversations, one of which involved “Mom” moving in with her kids “now that Dad’s gone”?

Wouldn’t it be great if Sarah Palin points out in her speech that one reason Mom can’t afford to live in her own house anymore is because her property taxes have tripled to pay for the salaries and benefits of avaricious public-sector union members?

Talk about the real victims in Victim Nation. It’s the people who are going to have to pick up the tab if Barack wins - the taxpayers.


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