Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Coming Trials of Sarah Palin

Democrats and the old media can no more accept a Sarah Palin vice presidency than they could Clarence Thomas as a Supreme Court justice. They can no more accept a conservative woman a heartbeat away from the presidency than they can a conservative African-American interpreting the nation's laws.

Expect the long knives to be out, and stay out. [snip]

The forty-four year old Palin is in the vanguard of the new generation of conservative politicians. Louisiana's Bobby Jindal isn't far behind. The Palin nomination puts the lie to the argument that conservatism is headed for the dustbin.

The Governor's nomination will serve as a clarion call to younger women and men who find her dynamic, upbeat personality, rootedness and strong advocacy of real world ideas appealing.

Sarah Palin's candidacy represents a new and important chapter for the nation. And how will you know this? By the volume and ferocity of attacks to come against Governor Palin leading up to the November elections...

[I heard an old media pundit ask the question; 'how can someone who's never been on Meet the Press be qualified to be VP?'

They just don't get it: being a product of politics and Washington is the problem.

Hence Obama's pitch for 'change' and McCain's claim to be a maverick - they know it, and are trying to sell it.

Sarah Palin is 'it', and that's a threat to everyone involved in our current two-party system and the sycophants that cover it.

Yeah, the knives will stay out - we'll need to pay attention...]


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