Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A taxing vote on inequality

Democrats have argued that high income earners should shoulder a disproportionate share of the tax burden. Republicans, conversely, have argued for and received relatively lower tax rates on capital gains from business activity and some forms of personal income; their argument has been that lower taxes on business and investment leads to job and income growth in the economy at large.

Both of these positions ignore a fundamental principle of our democracy and of justice in general: equal treatment under the law.

Attention to the principle of equality under the law will help to cut through all of the propaganda surrounding the tax code. All income should be taxed at the same rate, and loopholes and deductions should be kept to a minimum. In that way, Americans will be able to move as one when it comes to matters of mutual concern. One thing is for sure, when it comes to America's future, a divided stand on taxation will surely lead to our downfall...

[ah, but divide-and-conquer is the plan of some...]


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