Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hot air at UN to curb global warming

Hot air at the United Nations has been so successful [?] that more is on the way. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon raised the temperature in offices at U.N. headquarters by 5 degrees during August and announced he would be wearing lighter suits.

"The initiative saved about 30 million pounds of steam, which translates into the equivalent of 2,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide," she said. [water vapor represents ~96% of 'green house gas' in the atmosphere - or didn't they mention that?]

Carbon dioxide is the main industrial gas blamed for trapping heat in the atmosphere like a greenhouse and causing global warming. [cute: I was going to write 'false' re: carbon dioxide being the 'main' gas blamed for trapping heat - that's methane, from livestock, not by tonnage but by effect -- but I noticed they slipped a little 'industrial' in there to keep the statement technically correct while leaving a misleading impression. They can be so clever]

The experiment will end, however, before world leaders descend on the United Nations for their annual ministerial meeting the week of Sept. 22.

[that would make it a publicity stunt, not an experiment {they're still not quite down with this 'science' stuff}]

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