Thursday, September 11, 2008

Reparations Rising

At the root of reparations is the idea of "repairing" or the insurance theory of "making one whole." Making one whole means, literally, restoring one to the pre-tort status that person or entity enjoyed. In other words, reparations is an un-winding of events and restoring order financially. [snip]

Theoretically, to make reparations absolutely fair, those African Americans who have struck it rich (white liberals would call this "winning lifes's lottery") would have to pay the rest of the American citizens the difference between what their net worth is now and what it could have reasonably been without them living in this country.

In other words Oprah, Michael, Bill Cosby... get out your checkbooks. Uh, you too Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and Jeremiah Wright.

Of course, this will never happen. The reparations crowd wants to "acknowledge the tragic parts" of our history while conveniently forgetting that America is the nation that has provided the most opportunities to it's citizens, regardless of the circumstances of their arrival.

And the proof? Well, there are no walls keeping folks in America (or out for that matter, but that's another issue).


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