Thursday, September 11, 2008

Bush offered Palestinians a state, and they refused

An important anniversary has passed with scarcely a mention.

In 2002, President Bush turned American policy in the Middle East in a new direction. In a groundbreaking speech, he announced that the U.S. would support the creation of a Palestinian state if only the Palestinians first choose "leaders not compromised by terror." [snip]

"This moment is both an opportunity and a test for all parties in the Middle East: an opportunity to lay the foundations for future peace; a test to show who is serious about peace and who is not."
He was right. It was a test. And now it's time to be candid about the results.

Israelis, Americans and Europeans are serious about peace. The enemies of Israelis, Americans and European are serious about defeating Israelis, Americans and Europeans. It's as simple -- and as complex -- as that.



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