Tuesday, September 9, 2008

“Media ‘Talking Down’ the Economy to Get a Dem Elected?”

... Neil's guests which not only included regular assertions that this is clearly about getting a Democrat in the White House, but also that media are

"committing a crime against the general public" by creating a self-fulfilling prophecy that will end up costing people their jobs in the long run. [snip]

"if we have a serious recession, a great deal will lie at the media's feet."
Cavuto marvelously began the segment...

NEIL CAVUTO, HOST: Well, is the economy slowing? Well, yeah it is. But call me crazy, is it as bad as this? This week, the Associated Press claiming Americans are being subjected to, and I quote "economic water torture." And then this little ditty item on the GDP, "The economy nearly sputtered out at the end of the year."

We were up at the end of the year...

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