Tuesday, September 9, 2008

CNN: Palin Not ‘Able to Handle’ Foreign Policy

CNN’s State Department correspondent Zain Verjee insisted that Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin "just won't be able to handle" foreign crises like the conflict between Russia and Georgia during an interview with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

At the beginning of the short interview, Rice complimented the Alaska governor for her "terrific speech" at the Republican convention. ... Verjee pressed her on the experience question:

"...you can dispatch Vice President Cheney to deal with the Ukraine and Georgia. But Sarah Palin just won't be able to handle it."

In response to Verjee’s matter-of-fact statement, Rice replied, "There are different kinds of experiences in life that help one to deal with matters of foreign policy."

[foreign affairs wogs supply Presidents with more knowledge than they can handle about world affairs - it's character and conviction that Presidents use to make the tough calls.

What has Obama ever done to consider him more qualified in foreign affairs than Palin? When the above 'Truman factor' is considered, Palin's the more qualified to protect American
interests given Obama's self-described world citizenship and demonstrated penchant to blame America for all ills]


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